T. charles Shafer Attorney At Law PLLC.

General Information About Theft Crimes

Criminal Defense Attorney in Fort Pierce, FL

There are many different theft crimes that you could be charged with, and it is important to know that the penalties you will face can often depend on your criminal record. As the Fort Pierce criminal defense lawyer of T. Charles Shafer, Attorney at Law PLLC. I understand the severity of the situation that you face. If you have been arrested and charged with a theft crime in Florida, then you need to retain skillful representation as soon as possible, and I can provide you with the defense that you need for your future. Among the many different types of offenses you could be charged with are the following among others:

Depending on the value of the items you are charged with stealing, you could face either petty or grand theft charges. A petty theft crime occurs when the value of the stolen items is less than $300 and grand theft when the value is more than $300. If you have been arrested and charged with a theft crime, then it is important to understand that you could face jail time, restitution, fines, probation, and a criminal record if you are convicted and it is important for you to have skilled and highly experienced legal assistance on your side.


Retain a Lawyer with More Than 25 Years of Legal Experience

I understand the severity of the situation that you face, and you can be sure that I will stand by you from start to finish of the case that you face if you choose to work with me. Further, it is important to recognize that you could face more severe penalties for a conviction if you have a criminal record. Let me work with you to expose flaws in the prosecution’s defense, and to build the strong defense of your case that you need for your future. Contact a Fort Pierce theft attorney at my office today to discuss your situation and to begin the process of pursuing the results that you need for your future.

Get your questions answered - call me for your free* phone consultation (772) 467-2601

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